Friday, May 14, 2010

Indian Yogi ( Prahlad Jani ) Proves He Can Live Without Food And Water

    Prahlad Jani, the amazing Yogi who claims he hasn’t eaten or drunk and fluids, for the last 70 years, was put to the test, by Indian specialists, and proved his claims were honest.

    82-year-old Prahlad Jani, who says he has survived the last seven decades on heavenly nectar, poured through a hole in his palette, by a goddess, is now a confirmed unique phenomenon. Prahlad, who was first tested, by scientists, in 2003, has now returned to the same hospital, to undergo a new series of investigations.

    Between April 28 and May 6, the incredible Yogi was supervised by 30 video cameras and a team of Indian scientists. During this time he didn’t eat a thing, and only used water to shower and clean his mouth. He also never passed any urine or other waste. Though studies showed urine in his bladder, at one point, it mysteriously disappeared.

    After the medical trial, Prahlad Jani, who was looking as lively as ever, returned to his village, near Ambaji. Now scientists hope the data they have gathered will tell them what makes the Yogi tick, and thus find a miraculous cure that could help anyone survive in difficult circumstances, without any food or water. “If Jani doesn’t get his energy from food and water, he must be getting it from another source in the environment, such as light” said scientist Sudhir Shah.

    In the past, people have fasted for up to 16-30 days, but they all drank water, every eight days, and passed urine. The case of Prahlad Jani is definitely unique, and unexplainable, in the medical world. Even more incredible is that, according to the test results, the Yogi’s body and brain are, biologically, those of a 25 year old.

    Prahlad Jani claims he left home at the age of 7, and embarked on a quest for enlightenment. When he was 12, he encountered a goddess who blessed him with these unique abilities. The 82-year old says he lives on the nectar that pours through a hole in his palette.

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Indian Yogi ( Prahlad Jani ) Proves He Can Live Without Food And Water

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